Grow Together With BTS Albums

Since 13 Juny 2013 BTS nowadays have grow so much, BTS have sold millions copies of album, become the first Korean Artist to ever perform at City Field Stadium and Interview at Grammy Museum.

Their popularity not only getting higher but the quality of their music even getting better. BTS lyrics is full of motivation, knowledge, philosophy, power and message related to their album consept.

So far BTS already have 3 Full Korea Albums, 3 Full Japanese Albums, 13 Single/EP, 4 Repackage Albums and another 6 Albums.

Here is Reflection of Youth Theme serial Album Consept which Big Hit and BTS prepared for lovely ARMY. From this theme, we are not only seeing BTS album development but also BTS members character development.

1. School Trilogy - Boys Resistance

3 Mini Albums and 1 Full Albums

In this era many BTS members is high school students. BTS focussing on how students life whom always forces to study hard for following society orientation and university entrance. BTS speak out loud about how rich students life through Spine Breaker Song which i highly recommend to listen. Also the feeling of youth who falling in love, jealousy and anger. BTS show very strong and bold characters full of emo with dark or white colors domination, BTS emphasize more on Hip-Hop genre with rap domination.

2. Youth Duology – Wandering Youth

The Most Beautiful Moments in Life Part 1 and Part 2 also 1 Repackage Album Young Forever.

We can see how BTS start to change in this era, their styles and songs getting more soft and fill with calming melody and voices. BTS in their 20s ages whom start being an adult and endure their anger than before. Now BTS enjoying their young moment even anything not always work properly, but BTS is happy, that’s the point so they want to remember this moment forever, moment when they fell the beauty of life.

BTS start getting more attention by general public with their I Need You first win in Music Show, if their first era BTS more into Hip-Hop now they are more into Pop.

3. Wings - Temptation and Conflict

1 Full Album and 1 Repackage Album.

On their way for being an adult BTS face more temptations and conflicts with themself. They keep battle with the devil inside their soul. This era is the time when unpredictable bad things coming and the battle to win their best self. This is the first time where BTS members have their solo songs. Each members participated in making of their solo and express what they fell sincerely. We can fell the emotion which pour perfectly through the harmonization melody.

BTS start get even more attention both national or international. This is the era, The Rise of Bangtan, The First Daesang.


 4. Love Yourself – Self Love

There are 4 series in this era Love Yourself : HER, WONDER, TEAR and ANSWER, but there

are only 3 albums Love Yourself : HER, TEAR and ANSWER.

After angers and jealousy moments at school era, start for being an adult after graduate, then have huge battle with themself to win their bestself, finally BTS have the answer.

This era is so meaningfull and full of message not only for all ARMY but also BTS themself. In this time we learn that we can not love anyone else if we can’t even love ourself. The reasons why depression and stress coming because we are not ourself. We need to appreciate and trust ourself even more. Realize their popularity getting bigger BTS use this times to spread love through their Love Yourself Albums and Love Myself Campaign.

BTS become Worldwide Boyband, start from Zero become Hero. BTS really grow a lot from .Rebellious Boys to Adult Man. By members itself we can see that they become more confidence for being who they are. Their hardships, blood, sweat and tears in past now have paid of, finally BTS deserved what they deserves.

From BTS journey we can take a lesson that to be success we need patience, believe, hardwork and hardship also there are nothing impossible as long as we keep doing. BTS is a prove of all of that.

Now there are only 1 more era left, everyone may be so curious about what BTS will be, let’s wait together for it.


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